(011) 475- 8988 | 082 446 1043 raymond@premierclean.co.za

WallyFlex Hose

Clean efficiently with 1 hand, in 1 second!

The WallyFlex is an essential tool for the kitchen, the bathroom, the laundry, and even the walk in robe. It is practical, nice-looking, and easy to install onto any standard vacuum inlet.

Classy, and ridiculously affordable.

Vacusweep and Vacpan

Vacusweeps give your broom the power of a ducted vacuum for the ultimate in versatile cleaning. Ideal for use in kitchens, bathrooms or any other room that does not have carpet.

An inlet is easily installed into the your new or existing home’s kitchen, bathroom or laundry. It is flush mounted to your kickboard, making it convenient and discreet. No on/off switch, simply lift the foot switch to turn it on, sweep the dirt towards the vacuum powered inlet and the dust is whisked back to the central system.

Available in white, almond and black. Stainless Steel faceplates available for Vacpans. Vacusweeps available in silver.